Former CIA Contractor Tells All About Deadly Shooting in Pakistan

It took about three seconds. After three seconds and 10 well-placed shots, then-CIA contractor Raymond Davis had killed two men he believed meant him harm and sparked a diplomatic disaster between the U.S. and Pakistan that lasted more than six weeks.

But three seconds earlier, Davis' only concern in the world was the pistol in the hand of Pakistani man on the back of a motorcycle just ahead of him in traffic.

"I'm sitting there, I'm looking to my left and I start to look back to my right as I look around and I see a gun," Davis told SOFREP in a recent interview. "I see, the guy begins to rack the gun and I'm like, 'Oh damn,' so I start going for mine. So [the man's] gun goes from out of the holster to being racked, to starting to come up."

The 2011 incident in Lahore, Pakistan is the centerpiece of Davis' new memoir titled "The Contractor," where he writes that time appeared to slow down for him as he drew to fire for the first time in combat, how he'd be trained to do a million times.

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