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Ex-Spy: Trump's CIA Pick Shouldn't Be Torture Program 'Scapegoat'

When President Donald Trump tweeted Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's job away and announced he planned to fill the vacancy with current CIA Director Mike Pompeo, he also said he wanted the CIA's current deputy director, Gina Haspel, to take the reins of the spy agency.

In the wake of this announcement, several prominent former intelligence officials, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Acting Director Mike Morell, spoke highly of Haspel, herself a 30-plus-year veteran of the agency. But Haspel also has a chorus of loud detractors, especially civil liberties figures, because of her reported prominent role in the CIA's enhanced interrogation program, later declared by the U.S. government to be torture.

Over Twitter, John Sipher, who spent 28 years in the CIA's clandestine service, told me why he thought Haspel deserved to be asked "hard questions" but would ultimately be good for the agency. The brief exchange is posted below, with Sipher's permission, along with a direct message in which he expanded a little more on his thoughts. (Note: EIT refers to enhanced interrogation techniques, the clinical-sounding term used by the CIA for torture.)

See this content in the original post

[The direct message from Sipher, also posted here with permission:]

Primary Resource: Senate Intelligence Committee Report on CIA Detention and Interrogation Program

Related: One CIA Lawyer Could've Stopped the Waterboarding Before It Started, Here's Why He Didn't (ABC News)

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