Nukes, Ambassadors and Killers: The Best of Code and Dagger 2017

Inside a KGB prison in Tallin, Estonia. (Credit: Lee Ferran)

Inside a KGB prison in Tallin, Estonia. (Credit: Lee Ferran)

Let's begin by admitting that it doesn't make a lot of sense to do a "best of" list only five months after the launch of Code and Dagger, but it's the end of the year and doing things that don't make a lot of sense has never stopped me before so let's not start now.

Since the site's August launch, with what's still one of my favorite stories, Code and Dagger came out of the corner swinging with quality reports, from interviews with some of those closest to the big stories of 2017 to retrospectives focusing on some of the more important times in history to the odd movie review (that last group is really just for me). SquareSpace analytics show the site's audience has been steadily growing, both in number and in geographic spread -- Hello, readers in Portugal and the Congo!

Just in case you missed them, below are some of the reports I'd like to highlight, but first, a huge Thank You to the site's supporters on Patreon. If you're unfamiliar with Patreon and are curious about learning how you can help keep the site going, click here.

So check out some of these reports below, and I'll see ya'll in 2018:

[Do you have a tip or question for Code and Dagger? Reach us at And if you like what you read and want to help keep the site running (kind of) smoothly, click here to learn how you can lend your support. ]

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